Are you prepared for the costs and hassles associated with professional liability claims against you for errors and omissions that can occur from the work you do every day? If a claim were to be successful against you, would your cash flow or retained earnings be affected? Who would you call when you first learned of the claim?
As a professional IT vendor or service provider, you are subject to liability claims as a result of mistakes—honest mistakes or perhaps an error alleged by your customer. We can help you respond to these situations with cyber liability insurance coverage. Standard commercial property and general liability policies do NOT cover the dangers you face in a digital world.
You are an expert in caring for your clients; we have the expertise to protect your firm from liability claims related to your business.
Call us today or fill out the form below to see how you your firm can be truly protected!
Request a FREE Quote for Cyber Liability Insurance
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When you request a quote,
you'll receive our Internet Safety Report:
"Protecting Your Business from Today's E-Criminals"
A division of H.U. Dove & Company, Inc.